Dutch holiday

A holiday can always add a festive note to your trip, particularly if it involves a parade or special observance somewhere in the country.
In the Netherlands, expect banks, shops, and most museums to be closed. And public transportation to operate on limited schedules .
New Year's Day
January 1st
There are large celebrations on New Years Eve December 31st. The city's streets are crowded with tourists on this night. They are here to see the fireworks and the atmosphere of excitement. But most local Amsterdammers will stay in private residences or bars until midnight.
Easter Sunday, Easter Monday
First full moon after the spring equinox
Isn't just a religious celebration, but mostly time to spend with friends and family. Traditions include: "Paasbrood" cinnamon flavoured bread, tables decorated with flowers, coloured eggs and willow branches. Kids hunt for hidden painted easter eggs. Monday is often spent visiting markets, going on trips and lighting bonfires.
Ascension Day
Thursday - 40 days after Easter
The day that the church celebrates the ascent of Jesus Christ into heaven. Those who wish to celebrate it in traditional way may walk barefoot in the morning dew. Which symbolizes healing and purifying. Some families will cycle or go out for a walk in the morning. Churches will also hold Mass.
King's Day
April 27th - King Willem-Alexander's birthday
Massive celebrations in the streets. People dressed in orange clothing and orange decorations. Flea market, boating in the canals, music and partying. If the King's Birthday falls on Sunday, then the celebrations take place the day before. Transport is suspended.
Pentecost Sunday and Pentecost Monday
7th Sunday after Easter
Catholic tradition that specifies the day the Holy Spirit came down from Heaven and revealed itself to the Apostles. many attend church during Pentecost. And there are music festivals and markets.
Christmas Day and Boxing Day
December 25th and December 26th
Majority of Dutch people have adopted usual western traditions of gift exchange and family celebrations. Many businesses remain open and tourists are welcome in the city.
Unofficial and non-anual holidays
- Good Friday / Easter Friday is not a n official holiday in the Netherlands. But some companies, mainly english or american, will allow it to be taken as holiday.
- May 4th - Remembrance of the Dead Day. It honors all those who died in war and it is not an official holiday. But some establishments close on that day.
- May 5th every five years - Liberation day. Celebrates the end of Nazi ocuppation during WW2. Since 2000 it is celebrated as an official holiday once every 5 years, next time on May 5, 2025.