Museum Night Amsterdam (Museumnacht)

Each year in November, when Amsterdam nights become colder, on one Saturday night, all museums in town as well as some other cultural institutions, turn into the one big festivity scene. The event is addressed mainly to the Dutch public. But even without Dutch friends to go with, you can meet a lot of people and have fun.
Amsterdam Museum Night program
It all starts at 7pm and ends at 2pm. Usually one special concert opens the whole night. Then there is a lot of entertainment at all the participating institutions - music, dancing, singing, and eating. Each museum tries to invent new attractions. When the Museum Night ends, so called after parties follow at clubs and hotels. Such as Club 11, Bitterzoet, Hotel Arena, Melkweg, Odeon, W139 and many others.
Tips for the Museum Night
Be sure first to have a look at the Museum Night program (there is an English version) - you will have to select from many parallel events. If you intend to participate in the events beyond the Museumplein area, a bicycle might be a good thing to have. Plan your route hours earlier and leave some room for transfers and the unexpected.
The date of the Museum night in Amsterdam
From 7pm until 2am on the first Saturday in November of each year.
The next Amsterdam Museum Night will be held on the date of 2 November 2024.
Amsterdam Museum Night venues
There are more than 42 museums in Amsterdam. And practically all museums participate.
Amsterdam Museum Night tickets
A pass gives you access to all the participating museums and to the parties organized to celebrate the Museum Night.
You will have to buy the pass at the following website since the participating museums are not allowed to sell them: