Amsterdam pubic transport tickets - prices and where to buy

The best ticket types for tourists are the timeframe tickets and disposable OV-chipcard.
Other option is to get an Amsterdam city pass which gives you unlimited public transport and also other benefits like free entry to museums and attractions.
Fixed time public transport tickets
- Child 0-4 - free
- 1 hour - €3,40
- 24 hours - €9
- 24 hours (child 4-11) - €4,50
- 2 days – 48 hours - €15
- 3 days – 72 hours - €21
- 4 days – 96 hours - €26,50
- 5 days – 120 hours - €33
- 6 days – 144 hours - €37,50
- 7 days – 168 hours - €41
Where to buy
1 hour and 24 hour tickets can be bought from the drivers in trams and busses (only card - no cash).
1 - 4 day ticket (no child ticket) from machines at every metro station.
All timeframe tickets can be bought at the GVB service kiosk at Amsterdam central station.
OV-chipcard for Amsterdam public transport
OV-chipcard is a pre-paid card which you can fill with credit and then pay for rides on trams, busses and metro. The price of the ride will depend on how far you travelled.
The acronym means "openbaar vervoer chipkaart" which in Dutch language means public transport chipcard.
How to use the OV-chipcard
- You must check-in and check-out at every ride by placing the card next to a card reader.
- If you transfer from one vehicle to other, you must check-out and then check-in.
- You must have at least €4 on the card to be eligible to travel.
- If you forget to check out the maximum fee of €4 will be deducted from your card.
- It is possible to use the OV-chipcard for travel on NS - Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways) trains. The minimum credit must be €20.
Single use OV-chipcard type
- Not possible to reload credit
- Can be bought at machines at metro stations and at central station kiosk
Anonymous OV-chipcard type
- Can be reloaded with credit
- Can be used by more than one person (not at the same time)
- can be bought at machines at metro stations and at central station kiosk
- The card itself costs €7,50 plus the loaded credit
Personal OV-chipcard type
- Can be reloaded automatically from your bank account
- Can be used only by one person
- Can be used for season passes and discounts
- Needs to be ordered online on
Where to get OV-chipcard
The single use and anonymous Amsterdam public transport chipcard ca be bought at machines at metro stations and at central station kiosk.
The personal Amsterdam public transport chipcard must be ordered online from the public transport authority on their website.