Amsterdam Restaurants

Amsterdam restaurant

There are so many restaurants in Amsterdam, that catering for the tastes, budgets and moods of every tourist is not a problem. Top quality restaurants and stylish bars as well as more traditional Amsterdam cafés. Whether it is for a quick bite or an extensive dinner, it's available in Amsterdam. There is a good restaurant around every corner so you can find your taste even if you are very picky eater.

Amsterdam restaurant reservations

In most Amsterdam restaurants a reservation is not required. But Amsterdam is a busy city and during the prime time most good restaurants are full. So it is smart to reserve your place in advance. The easiest way to do it is online through reservation engine Couverts. After entering city, date and number of guests you can sort Amsterdam restaurants by cuisine and city district.

Amsterdam restaurants opening hours

Most restaurants in Amsterdam are open from 18:00 till 23:00. Also, there are a lot of breakfast bars and cafés that are opened all day. The Dutch usually eat lunch between 12:00 and 14:00 and have dinner between 19:00 and 21:00. In most restaurants the kitchen closes around 22:00, however there are also places for midnight snacking.

Tipping in Amsterdam restaurants

Dutch restaurants most often do not include a service charge in the bill. It is normal to tip an extra 5 to 10 percent. Leave the tip in coins rather than charging it on your card.

Cheap Amsterdam restaurants

Look out for a special 'dish of the day', 'meal of the week', or 'menu of the month.' These cheap meals are just as tasty as other dishes. You can find them on the menu under 'dagschotel', 'daghap' or 'weekmenu'. Also you can ask the waiter/waitress.

Dutch restaurant habits

'Amsterdammers' love to go out to dinner or have drinks at one of the many terraces in the city. Around five in the afternoon the many bars, restaurants and cafes begin to fill with young professionals, students and tourists. In the weekends families have lunch or brunch in the outer area's of the city.

The Dutch really like to have drinks and eat snacks before dinner, this is called 'borrelen'. Many bars, cafes and restaurants offer a large selection of fried snacks, such as 'bitterballen', 'kaasstengels' and 'vlammetjes'. Do as the Dutch and spend some relaxing hours before dinner drinking pints and trying out the different snacks.

Overall, the restaurants in Amsterdam have a relaxed vibe. Most restaurants do not demand fancy clothing or high heels. However, there are some restaurants and clubs where people do dress up. The restaurants you can find on our restaurant page are more relaxed.

Restaurants by national cuisine

Restaurants by city district

Dutch restaurant vocabulary

Although the Dutch have an excellent command of English, here are a few Dutch key phrases that will help you get by.

Hello/Hi Hallo/Dag
Goodmorning Goedemorgen
Goodevening Goedenavond
Thank you/Thanks Dankjewel/Bedankt
Please Graag/Alstublieft
Yes/No Ja/Nee
Do you have a table for six? Heb je een tafel voor zes?
I have a table reserved under the name… Ik heb een tafel gereserveerd onder de naam…
I would like to see the menu Ik wil graag het menu zien
What do you recommend? Wat beveel je aan?
To start, I would like the … Om te beginnen wil ik graag…
For the main course, I would like… Als hoofgerecht wil ik graag…
For dessert I’ll have… Als toetje wil ik….
I would like to drink… Ik wil graag … drinken
That's not what I ordered. Dat is niet wat ik bestelde.
Waiter! Ober!
Could I have the bill, please Mag ik afrekenen, alstublieft.
Is service included? Is bediening inbegrepen?
I think there is a mistake in the bill. Ik denk dat er een foutje zit in de rekening.
It was delicious! Het was heel lekker!