Amsterdam brothels, sex clubs and sex shows

Amsterdam Red Light District is not only about simple prostitution. There are sophisticated sex clubs, strip shows and brothels that are famous around the world.
If you are interested in this topic you might like the strip club guided tour.
Amsterdam Sex Shows
In these establishments, visitors pay an entrance fee to watch live stage shows. It may be stripping, girls performing tricks with ping pong balls and candles, or live shows where couples have sex on stage. The entrance price is usually around €50.
The most well known Amsterdam sex shows venues are BananenBar, Moulin Rouge and Casa Rosso. All of these venues are close to each other located in the Red Light District.
In BananenBar, once you have paid your entrance fee, you can watch the stage show but you will be also surrounded by atractive hostesses carrying trays with drinks. These hostesses are willing to perform various tricks for an additional payment.
The Moulin Rouge and Casa Rosso have more of a theatre feel and there is less audience interaction.
Amsterdam Brothels
For those who want to get more involved, Amsterdam sex clubs and brothels offer a chance to meet discreetly with a willing lady. Different to Amsterdam escorts, these clubs generally do not do business away from their premises, so you will have to go to them. In most of these clubs prices can vary depending on what you wish to do and with whom, so be sure to arrange everything with the girl of your choice before you go into the room with her.
One of the largest chains of brothels in the Netherlands is called Jan Bik. They have ten business locations throughout the country. The Amsterdam branch is on the western side of the city centre, just off the busy Haarlemmerstraat. This is one of the best value Amsterdam brothels and here you can rent a girl and a room or just a room if you already have a partner with you.
For a more high-end experience, sex club Asmara can be found further outside of town at Willem de Zwijgerlaan 70 and offers high class girls, excellent facilities and less hidden charges, although the up front price will be higher than elsewhere.
Swingers Clubs in Amsterdam
If you already have a partner and are looking for a way to enrich your experiences, one of the many Amsterdam swingers clubs might be for you. These clubs usually charge entrance based on whether you are a couple, single lady or single guy and offer a place for like-minded people to come and engage in a wide variety of adult activities.
The Candyclub presents itself as the oldest swingers club in Amsterdam and can be found very close to Oosterpark - east of the city centre at Eikenweg 29. Candyclub has a more relaxed, informal attitude than many Amsterdam sex clubs and prides itself particularly on its easy to join group activities.
Another very popular choice for the sexually adventurous in Amsterdam is Sameplace, west of the city centre at Nassaukade 120. This club is also very relaxed, although certain "speciality nights" may involve a particular dress code, such as the fetish nights where black leather is the way to go and the dungeon downstairs gets a lot of use. Sameplace is notable for actively refusing to participate in the "taxi scam" and it can, in fact, be difficult to get a taxi driver to bring you here.
Amsterdam red light taxi scams
One thing to keep in mind when visiting Amsterdam sex clubs is the infamous "taxi scam", in which a club will have a deal with taxi drivers to take customers to their door even though they may not be the closest or best club nearby. It is best to know in advance where you wish to go and get a taxi to the address, or even a street or two away to avoid confrontation.
Gay Sex Clubs in Amsterdam
Not all sex clubs in Amsterdam are exclusively for straight people. Sameplace swingers club mentioned above invites also the gay-friendly. There are also plenty of places for some paid gay erotic adventures in Amsterdam. These establishments range from gay saunas where like-minded guys can engage their desires to more formal arrangements where you can hire a professional partner.
Thermos, at Raamstraast 33, is by far the most famous and well-established gay sauna in Amsterdam. Thermos offers traditional spa and sauna facilities as well as its more adult offerings and is open day and night from midday until 8am.
For more of a paid service, Boys Club 21 can be found right in the city centre at Spuistraat 21 and has a selection of professional guys as well as themed rooms to hire.
If you are interested in this topic read also our page about gay community in Amsterdam.