Studying in Amsterdam

The Dutch system of higher education
Find out about the degree types and requirements as well as the types of institutions offering higher education in Holland.
Universities and hogescholen in Amsterdam
There are two research universities in Amsterdam as well as several vocational schools called hogescholen offering higher education.
Student housing in Amsterdam
Helpful information on how to find a place to live if you are coming to Amsterdam to study.
Student organisations in Amsterdam
Find like-minded people in one of the many student organisations such as ASVA, the ISN, the Foreign Student Service, AEGEE and student unions at different universities.
Student work agencies
Many students wish to work in addition to their studies, either to help gather rent money or in order to get valuable work experience. There are many job agencies in Amsterdam specialised in finding jobs for foreign students.
Student discounts in Amsterdam
Anything from good-priced eateries and cafés where the student events are organised regularly in Amsterdam.
Dutch language lessons
It is absolutely possible to survive in the Netherlands without speaking any Dutch. But if you are staying there for longer and don't want to feel like a tourist all the time, you should try to learn some Dutch. Don't you feel awkward when a group of Dutch people are speaking English just because of you?
Cheap Amsterdam
Info about getting to most from Amsterdam on a tight budget. For example student travel.